Welcome to HHTJr's site.
Harley Tuck Sr's WWII Diary and affiliated content Some of the links and pages in the diary site will act oddly or maybe look funny until I finish converting the material from CD-based navigation to web based. Especially the ones in 'Kriegie Memories' and 'Shot Down' that say, "Return to CD main page". Those are broken for now. Just use the browser back arrow to get back to 'WWII and KM' |
Here's the future home of more cool stuff.
I made plenty of stick and string bows and arrows when I was young and then went off and did other things with my life. Then recently a grandson who had some powerful urges to do various kinds of shooting inspired me to take some of the bamboo I had in my basement shop and make a rudimentary bow, and some even more rudimentary arrows, and have him over to shoot the length of the basement. It was a huge success. Now we're both more or less doing as much archery as we can get around to. Here's stuff about my and our archery adventures. |
Blankish page Coming Soon! (--er or later) |
Sources of stuff I didn't create