1st Mission Dec 24,1943
First operational mission Dec 24: Bombing coast of France where rocket guns are located that can bomb London England.
22000 ft 2nd Mission Jan 4 1944
Bombed Kiel. Our full crew went, as Kealer missed out on first mission. Dockyards + submarine base. No fighters; some flak.
3rd Mission Jan 21 1944
Bombed rocket installations on the coast of France. No fighters, no flak, bombed from 12000 ft + most of the bombs missed the target. 4hr mission.
4th Mission Jan 24 1944
Took off for Frankfurt, mission cancelled so we bombed the channel.
Ran thru flak + there was flak damage so it should count as a mission.
5th Mission Jan 30 1944
Bombed Brunswick at 24000 thru clouds. A lot of flak, used chaff, perfect fighter cover: P38's. Transportation + plane assembly plant center. 7hr
6th Mission Feb. 3 1944
Bombed Wilhmshaven, sub base + sea port from 25th[-ousand ft]. 10x500
demo's were dropped. No fighters, some pretty accurate flak. TO 7:50, R
2:50, wasn't very cold.
7th Mission Feb. 4 1944
Bombed Frankfurt, 40 incindaries, full Tokyo's. Not much flak at target, pure hell over Rhur, one engine shot up, came back on 3 all by ourselves. No fighters.
8th Mission Feb. 8 1944
Bombed Frankfurt, pathfinder, 10/10's clouds, 7 500 demo's + 3-500 lb incindary. Quite a bit of flak, no fighters. T.O. 8:20, target 1145, R 1500. Ship 497 a good ship.
9th Mission Feb. 13 1944
A Nobal Raid. T.O. at 12:30, bombing altitude 12800; hit target OK.
Saw 3 ships go down, on ditch. 2 from our squadron. R. 1700
10th Mission Feb. 20 1944
Bombed Totow a final assembly plant for FW 190's. 42 incindaries. 1040 gals in Tokyo's, full main tanks. T.O. 7:35, Bombs away at 1:30, landed at 1720
11th Mission Feb. 25 1944
Bombed Riegensburg: an airport and final assembly plant 5 miles from town. B. at 18000, frag bombs, heavy flak saw 2 forts go down. Clear weather, hit the target bombed visually. Not cold at all.
12 Mission Feb. 29, 1944
Bombed Brunswick at 23000, Pathfinder, 38x100 antipersonell's Good fighter
protection, moderate flak. T.O. 0715, Bombs away at 1133, R at 1355. Good
13 Mission Mar. 3 1944
Took off headed for Berlin in 724. Got as far as enemy coast. 2 engines went bad, Dill died, landed near Norwich almost thought we would go to Germany or ditch.
March 6 14 Mission
Bombed Berlin. Ran thro a lot of flak, was attacked by fighters for 20 min when escort got behind, bombed electrical works with 10x500's. Hell of a time.
March 11 1944 15th MissionBombed Munster Germany. Target was railroad yards. 19000 ft, 42 incindaries, trained to every 200 ft; some heavy inaccurate flak, good fighter protection.
16 Mission Mar 13 1944
T.O. 0810 with 10x500's for a Nobal raid. I flew with Hopla in 095. Didn't drop bombs as 10/10 clouds. We were shot at + were over enemy territory so its a mission.
17th Mission Mar 15 1944
T.O. 6:58 with full gas, 6x100 demo's + 36x100 inc. Bombed center of Brunswick Ger thro 9/10 clouds PFF [Pathfinder method]. Good escort P-51, P-47, P-38's. Quite a bit of medium flak. Landed 1400
18th Mission March 22 1944
T.O. 0800, Bombs away at 1:41 R 4:55, carrying incindaries, bombed Berlin at 19300 ft. Heavy flak, good escort, some holes in the ship.
19th Mission March 23 1944
T.O. 0600, bombed Brunswick at 22000 ft with 5x1328 demo's. Came back
from target on 3 engines, saw 4 B17's go down from FW 190's. No escort
most of the time. L 1350. Oil cooler punctured.
20th Mission March 26 1944
Nobal mission on Brest Peninsula. T.O. 1244, land 1645. Very heavy flak,
used chaff. Wiggi's 1st mission, it really scared him.