Click here to view the original handwritten diary!
Stateside Training |
Crew #5 goes to England |
Dec 1943
Jan 1944
Feb 1944
Mar 1944
Apr 1944
Mission Memories
(Recorded in mid '80's)
Prisoner of War
(Recorded in mid '80's)
(also accessible from the diary sections above)
Appendix: HT's brief summaries of his missions (stopped after 20 missions, 26 March 1944)
The text of Harley Tuck's War Diary and photos from his private collection are copyrighted material; only use of it for private noncommercial or school affiliated educational purposes is allowed without written permission.
Most of the pictures linked to in the Glossary have been 'borrowed' from other websites and so may include copyrighted material. A list of the sites they're from appears in Sources, links and Bibliography
Contact Harley Tuck Jr ( for more information.
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